Alexandre R.J. François

  • Hands on leader, problem solver, educator and mentor
  • Interests: design, analysis and implementation of interactive software systems
  • Skills: audio and video computing, music computing, computer vision, computer graphics

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Academia || research | publications | presentations | events | teaching

Introducing Resonate

I will be presenting my paper “Resonate: Efficient Low Latency Spectral Analysis of Audio Signals,” at the 50th Anniversary of the International Computer Music Conference 2025 in Boston, MA, USA this June.

In the meantime, check out the Resonate Youtube playlist and the Oscillators app, which demonstrates real-time spectrograms and derived audio features.

Published Apps

  • Oscillators: Experiment with digital resonators.
  • MuSA_RT: Experience a visual representation of tonal patterns - pitches, chords, key - in music as it is being performed.
  • Priorities: Simply manage lists of prioritized items.

Open Source Projects

  • Oscillators: Digital oscillator models for signal synthesis and analysis, suitable for real-time audio processing.
  • noFFT: A reference implementation of the Resonate algorithm in C++ for Python.
  • WheelControl: A SwiftUI wheel control with multiple speeds.



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